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Parents' Portal



    Dear Families,

    All children from Reception to Year 6 are entitled to a free school meal every day under the mayor's current scheme.

     If your child is entitled to Free School Meals they will:

    • receive food vouchers every school holiday (£3:00 per day)
    • activity vouchers during Easter and summer school holidays (HAF)
    • be entitled to a reduction in the cost of after school clubs
    • be entitled to a  reduction in some school trips. 

    Schools receive additional funding for every pupil who is entitled to FSM.  We use these funds to provide enrichment activities in the school and also to provide these reductions and vouchers.

    It is still very important that if you are eligible, you complete the borough's FSM form. 


    If you have any questions at all then please email admin@greendragon.hounslow.sch.uk


    As a school, we are available to offer our usual support for families around behaviour, finances, housing etc.  If you have any safeguarding or welfare concerns, please do not hesitate to contact school.  You can contact Ms Buck directly on senco@greendragon.hounslow.sch.uk

    • If you, or member of your family is at risk of immediate harm then call 999

    • NSPCC is available 24 hours a day to offer online support help@nspcc.org.uk  telephone support 8am – 10pm 0808 800 5000

    Parents into class sessions

    We run these sessions so that parents and other family members can visit their child in their classroom and find out more about their learning.  Here are the dates - please get them into your diary as soon as they are - this way, you can be 100% sure you’ll be able to be there by booking an hour off work and avoiding booking any appointments at those times. Thank you.

  • Any Questions?

    We welcome parents to school and always value our parent partnership. However, for health and safety reasons, it is essential that we know who is in school at all times.  No parent should be coming to the school through the KS 2 playground doors before or after school.  If you want to speak to a member of staff you must come to the office and ask a member of the office staff.  Staff will always see a parent before or after school if they can. Ms, Jennifer Butler our Headteacher, Ms. Pinkney our Deputy Headteacher, or Ms,Buck are on the playground before & after school most days talking to parents. The office staff are also always happy to answer questions.

    If you have any questions please speak to your child’s class teacher or email admin@greendragon.hounslow.sch.uk


    The staff all want to talk to parents and build a positive partnership. Nursery & Infant class teachers are always happy to talk to parents at the classroom door before or after school. Junior teachers are often on the playground; if not ask at the office.


    Sun cream during the Summer term:  Please make sure that you have applied sun cream to your child’s face, back of neck, ears, and arms before they come to school in the morning.    Please do not send in bottles of sun cream.  Children should also have a cap in school during the Summer term.

    Nits:  every parent must take responsibility for checking their child’s hair and clearing nits.  This is something that needs to be done at least once a week.  We will be asking the school nurse to meet with families where the children regularly have nits.  If you’d like to speak to a school nurse for help clearing your child’s hair please call:  0203 691 1025

    Earrings:  for safety reasons no child is allowed to wear earrings in school.  Please take them out or cover them yourself at home.  Please do not expect school staff to cover your child’s earrings, this is a parents responsibility.  Thank you.

    Allergy informationplease note that from now on the wraps on the menu will contain mayonnaise.  If your child has a potential allergy to any ingredients in mayonnaise please see Mrs. Monkeviciene at the school office.

  • pants: helping your children stay safe

    We hope that all the parents who attended the PANTS session with NSPCC found it useful.  The feedback was extremely positive.  After half term every class will be holding a PANTS session where staff will share materials with the children to remind them that:

    • Privates are private.
    • Always remember your body belongs to you.
    • No means no.
    • Talk about secrets that upset you.
    • Speak up, someone can help

    For general information about PANTS and the Pantosaurus video visit www.nspcc.org.uk/pants
    For advice about How to talk to your child about keeping safe visit https://www.nspcc.org.uk/globalassets/documents/advice-and-info/talk-pants-how.pdf

  • Term Dates 2024-25

    If your child has an accident in school we will send home a note to let you know what happened and what treatment they received. If your child misbehaves in school you will also receive a note; please talk to your child about what happened and come in and speak to us if you have any questions. You will also receive a note if your child has been the victim of poor behaviour. Parents are always informed of racist incidents.


    If you are wondering what your child is doing in school why not come in & see for yourself? Your child's class will do assemblies, go on trips, take part in sports day & enjoy meeting lots of visitors such as authors & people from the local community - please get involved. You are also welcome to come and spend time in class - ask your child's class teacher. You can come every week or just once in a while.


    We hold three Open Evenings every year, one each term. Parents are invited in to speak to the class teacher about their child's progress and to look at their child's work. It is essential that you attend these important meetings so that you can support your child's learning. Dates of Open Evenings are always on the newsletter. Please speak to your child's teacher at any time if you have any questions. 


    Years 3 - 6 children are welcome to join Morning Sports from 8am each day.   Year 3 Parents the playground has open access from 8am and until you’re 100% certain that your child will NOT leave the school grounds once they’ve been dropped off at Morning Sports they need a parent/carer to stay with them until the whistle blows.   Once you are confident that your child will stay in the playground you can leave them before the whistle goes.  Parents must be aware that the gates are open at this time of day so a child could leave the site. 


    Holiday Care is open throughout every school holiday with the exception of the Christmas holidays and Bank Holidays.   It is always open during INSET days..  Go into the scheme any evening from 3.30 – 6pm or call them on 07788 851514 to book a place.  Holiday Care offers a safe and fun place for your children to play and meet other children while you’re at work, doing household jobs or just needing a break.  



    Please visit this website regularly to see what is happening in school. For updates visit your child's year group page for news about their class. There is a lot of information and reminders on the site for parents and children. If you are looking for information that you cannot find please let us know so that we can add it.

    Email Mrs Uddin ( ICT & Website Lead) at:  jennifer.uddin@greendragon.hounslow.sch.uk


    On our school website, we will use photos of children learning in school - no names will be used. We would, therefore, like to know that it’s OK to include your child in photos if the local press comes in and/or in displays around the school.

    If you haven't already done so PLEASE could you complete a media permission letter - click here to download a copy of the letter, ask at the office for a copy or email Miss Charles and she will email you one.




We send home a newsletter with the children every Friday, this is essential reading. You can request that the newsletter is emailed to you by emailing the school office admin@greendragon.hounslow.sch.uk; or click here to download and view our weekly newsletters.

Are your children safe? 

Children going home alone …..

Most of our children are brought to school and collected by their parents.  No child below Year 5 should be coming or going home from school without an adult. 

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