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**Remember to wear your PE kits to school every Tuesday and Thursday**

Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 children can attend Morning Sports and Breakfast Club from 8am every morning in the Key Stage 2 playground.

    YEAR 3 IPC PROJECT Summer term 2024: Scavengers and Settlers

  • What’s the big picture ?

    We will be learning about how historians find out about the past civilisations, and what clues we can uncover about the people that lived from the evidence that has been left behind. We will be historians and explore how early humans adapted and developed new skills in order to survive, as well as exploring the different settlements they created long ago. 

    We will also be finding out about our ancestors, who they were and what they did during three key eras: the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. Are our ancestors different to the people that live today? What is similar/different about our lives and the lives of the earliest humans?

    We will be learning about how historians find out about the past civilisations, and what clues we can uncover about the people that lived from the evidence that has been left behind. We will be historians and explore how early humans adapted and developed new skills in order to survive, as well as exploring the different settlements they created long ago. 

    We will also be finding out about our ancestors, who they were and what they did during three key eras: the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. Are our ancestors different to the people that live today? What is similar/different about our lives and the lives of the earliest humans?

    It would be helpful to talk with your child about this knowledge organiser. As the project develops, they will be able to share more knowledge. Thank you!

  • What will we be learning?


    We will be able to:

    • order the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age on a timeline
    • place given events on a timeline, in order (not correctly spaced1)
    • use artefacts to explain how things changed through the prehistoric ages
    • explain how reliable a source is
    • compare the different tools used by people from different periods of time
    • compare prehistoric life to modern-day life
    • explain why hunter gatherers became farmers

    We will know:

    • about the life of Neolithic people from Skara Brae


    We will be able to:

    • compare and group different kinds of rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties
    • describe, in simple terms, how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock
    • recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter


    We will know:

    • about Stone Age cave painting

    We will be able to:

    • attempt to recreate some of the first ever art


    We will be able to:

    • code using repeat commands, nesting and flowcharts
  • knowledge organiser

    We use a knowledge organiser for every project in every year group. It is a helpful way for children and families to see the key knowledge that children will learn. This key knowledge helps the children ask more questions and then find out more information.

    It would be helpful to talk with your child about this knowledge organiser. As the project develops, they will be able to share more knowledge. Thank you!

  • Maths

    Please help your child to know the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables.

    We will also be working hard to learn more about:

    • Recapping addition and subtraction using the column method
    • Multiplication and division
    • Solving word problems using the four operations
    • Measuring length and perimeter
  • English

    We will be using the adventure story ‘Ice Palace’ to inspire us with our creative writing. We will be thinking about how to start our sentences in different ways, and how to use adjectives and conjunctions to extend our writing. We will continue to learn the Year 3 spellings.

  • statutory SPELLING LISTS

  • Year 3 Notes & Dates

    PE Kits:

    School PE uniform is black shorts (or tracksuit bottoms) with a white t-shirt and trainers. All children will come to school wearing PE kit on their PE days.

    Year 3 PE days are Tuesday and Thursday.

    Year 3 Home Learning

    • Daily reading – children will bring books home
    • TTRockstars website – children have logins. Please let your teacher know if you have any problems.
    • A weekly activity based on the classroom learning sent out via email or a paper copy.
    • Half-termly project activities sent out via email or a paper copy.


    We love trips at Green Dragon – we’ll be in touch with details of our next trip soon!

    Can you help?!

    If you have any information (stories, photos, experiences, artefacts etc) from the regions on our knowledge organiser, then please contact your class teacher. Thank you!

    Please keep in touch – we check these emails everyday before we start teaching:  unicorn@greendragon.hounslow.sch.uk   

  • How to Contact The Year 3 Team

    Communication With Teachers:

    There are two main ways to talk with your child’s teacher.

    You can talk at the start or end of the day – remember that teachers have more time at the end of the day!

    Alternatively, teachers check the year group email every day so you can contact them here:


    Teachers will respond between the hours of 8:00 and 4:00pm.

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