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**School re-opens for the new academic year for children on Wednesday 4th September 2024**

Year 5 IPC Project, Summer: What a Wonderful World

  • What’s the big idea?

    Our world is truly incredible. In this project, we will explore the natural wonders of our world. We will become expert geographers while we map, gather and record data and compare different regions. We will also get very excited about our future travels – the world really is our oyster!

  • What will we be learning?


    We will be able to:

    • describe different climates around the world, and their impact on flora and fauna
    • describe global warming, and its causes and effects
    • explain global supply chains and where some of the highest value exports are in the world
    • record rainfall and temperatures from around the world on graphs, and interpret similar graphs
    • discuss the impacts of a variety of natural disasters on humans, flora and fauna


    We will know:

    • more about databases

    Design Technology

    We will be able to:

    • evaluate, design and create a bird hide


    We will know:

    • more about Aboriginal art

    We will be able to:

    • create our own versions
  • Knowledge organiser

    We use a knowledge organiser for every project in every year group. It is a helpful way for children and families to see the key knowledge that children will learn. This key knowledge helps the children ask more questions and then find out more information.

    It would be helpful to talk with your child about this knowledge organiser. As the project develops, they will be able to share more knowledge. Thank you!

  • Maths

    Some areas we will be learning include:

    • converting between fractions, decimals and percentages
    • round decimals to 3 decimal places
    • multiply fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers

    If your child is not yet secure in their times tables, it is essential that they continue to learn these.

    Maths from now on needs times tables knowledge even more than before.

  • English

    In addition to creative writing this term, we will be writing fact files about different areas of the world. We will try to use our knowledge rto persuade people to visit. We must ensure our handwriting is consistently neat. We will try to use different types of sentences to write non-fiction, while broadening our vocabulary.

  • Year 5 Notes & Dates

    PE Kits:

    School PE uniform is black shorts (or tracksuit bottoms) with a white t-shirt and trainers. All children will come to school wearing PE kit on their PE days.

    Phoenix One swim on Tuesdays, Phoenix Two on Fridays (see letter emailed to you). Year 5’s other PE day is Wednesday.

    Year 5 Home Learning

    • Daily reading – children will bring books home
    • TTRockstars website – children will bring logins home
    • Music – practising their instrument
    • A weekly activity based on the classroom learning sent out via email or a paper copy
    • Half-termly project activities sent out via email or a paper copy.

    Trips and Special Experiences

    Heyday Film Course – all children will write, direct and star in their own film. This is a special Year 5 tradition at Green Dragon and will happen over the summer term.

    Isleworth and Syon DT day – Year 5 will visit Isleworth and Syon to make their own moving vehicles. Date TBC – we will send a letter to confirm this.

    Gurdwara - every year group visits a religious place of worship. Year 5 will vist a gurdwara – date TBC.

    Can you help?!

    If you have any information (stories, photos, experiences, artefacts etc) from the regions on our knowledge organiser, then please contact your class teacher. 

    Thank you!


    Musical instruments need to be in school every Thursday. It is important that your child is practising their instruments at home.


  • How to Contact The Year 5 Team

    There are two main ways to talk with your child’s teacher/team.

    You can talk at the start or end of the day – remember that we have more time at the end of the day or email us on the address below phoenix@greendragon.hounslow.sch.uk

    Teachers will respond between the hours of 8:00 and 4:00pm.

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